Miguel Ayres de Campos

Foto de Miguel Ayres de Campos

Miguel Ayres de Campos Tovar holds a BA in History of Art and a Masters’ degree in Medieval Studies from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Medieval Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art. His doctoral research project was awarded a full scholarship by the Consortium of the Humanities and the Arts in South-East England (2015-2019), and his Masters’ research was supported by an Arts and Humanities Research Council scholarship (2011-2012). He is a researcher in the field of Medieval Studies, with a particular focus on Anglo-Saxon and pre-1200 Iberian visual cultures, Romanesque art and medieval representations of nature, and has also worked as a specialist in the art market. He is an Integrated Reseacher of the Institute of Medieval Studies of Nova University Lisbon, and Associate Researcher of ARTIS – Art History Department of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. 
