Jonathan Wilson

Jonathan Wilson (PhD, Liverpool) is a permanent resident of Lisbon and Algarve, a full-time Researcher in the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM), Universidade Nova, Lisboa, and Research Fellow in the project Cistercian Horizions financed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (2020-2022). He has taught and published extensively in the field of European and Hispanic Medieval History, with his article ‘Enigma of the De Expugnatione Lyxbonensi’ winning the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Award for Best Article of 2017. Other publications include his book The Conquest of Santarém, and Gowin’s Song of the Conquest of Alcácer do Sal, Editions and Translations of De exugnatione Scalabis and Gosuini de expugnatione Salaciae carmen, containing extended introductory and expositive chapters, including a lengthy discussion of likely authorship, in the series Routledge Crusade Texts in Translation, (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021 hardback, to be released in paperback in December 2022). His latest book, Cistercians of the Western Edge, Politics, Patronage, and Settlement in Medieval Portugal (c. 1139-1223) was produced under the auspices of the Cistercian Horizons Project will be published shortly by Trivent Publishing (Budapest).