Alicia Miguélez Cavero

Alicia Miguélez is Assistant Professor of Medieval Art at the NOVA University and Vice-Chair of the COST Action Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750). Her research interests include medieval visual culture; the material study of medieval works of art, in collaboration with specialists in chemistry and conservation and restoration; and the uses and visions of the Middle Ages in modern times. She has published two books to date (Actitudes gestuales en la iconografía del románico peninsular hispano, 2007; Gesto y Gestualidad en la iconografía románica de la Península Iberica, 2010) and has co-edited two books (Portuguese Studies on Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts, 2014; Medieval Europe in motion: la circulación de manuscritos iluminados en la Península Ibérica, 2018) and two special issues (Looking Ahead: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Medieval Iberian Heritage, 2016; Connecting the Dots. New Research Paradigms for Iberian Manuscripts as Material Objects, 2022). She is member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies and Miradas. Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Amerikas und der Iberischen Halbinsel. Since 2019 she has been part of the evaluation panel “Philology, Literature, Arts” of the Spanish State Research Agency.