Adelaide Millán Costa

Adelaide Costa is Assistant Professor of Medieval History of the Department of Social Sciences and Management at Universidade Aberta, where she teaches since 1991. She is also researcher at the Instituto de Estudos Medievais at NOVA FCSH – of which she was sub-director between 2015/2016 and 2019/2021 – and researcher at the HISEURAM Group, at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Her area of scientific specialization lies at the intersection of Institutional and Political History with Urban History, focusing on the study of institutional relationships established between cities and towns, the crown, and other jurisdictional powers, in the Middle Ages in Portugal. In this area, she was (and is) member of several projects funded by the Ministerio de Economía e Competitividad of Spain and coordinated the JUSCOM project (PTDC / EPH-HIS / 4323/2012), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Currently, her research focuses on the analysis of small cities and towns. She was the Portuguese main in two exploratory projects with an international component (Casa de Velázquez, Campus France) and coordinates the FCT project Frontowns (PTDC/HAR- HIS/3024/2020).