Exhibition | “Fragmenta Fidei. A arte visigótica da Egitania”
Raiano Cultural Center of Idanha-a-Nova

The exhibition “Fragmenta Fidei. A arte visigótica da Egitania” on display at the Raiano Cultural Center of Idanha-a-Nova, presents one of the most important collections in the Iberian Peninsula of high-medieval sculpture from the archaeological site of Idanha-a-Velha, the ancient Egitania. This remarkable collection includes finds from excavations carried out by Fernando de Almeida in the 1950s and 60s of the 20th century, along with recent discoveries that allow a deeper understanding of this city’s history.
Conceived within the scope of the IGAEDIS project, a result of the scientific collaboration protocol between the City Council of Idanha-a-Nova, the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Nova University of Lisbon, the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra, and the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Center, this exhibition is a testament to the power of collective knowledge. It opens new lines of investigation into Altomedieval sculpture, standing out as one of the most characteristic elements of the material record of this historical period. Furthermore, the exhibition allowed the study and appreciation of the high-medieval sculpture of Egitania, brought together for the first time, and gave rise to an exhibition catalog.
A collection catalog will be developed in the future, returning this set to the main lines of current scientific debate and giving it the importance it seems to have lost compared to other Portuguese centers such as Beja and Mérida.
The exhibition will be open to the public between July 26, 2024, and July 26, 2025.