Workshop “Poderes “de” y “en” la ciudad: Imaginarios, representaciones, realidad”
14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019
II Taller Doctoral del Grupo de Investigación HISERAM (970758) UCM: Historia de las ciudades hispanas y europeas, y su proyección a América (1250-1600)

This doctoral workshop focuses on the various internal and external powers at work in the medieval city. The presence of monarchs, nobles, ecclesiastics, merchants and other agents and institutions, such as the university, transformed the urban space and offered opportunities for political, institutional and cultural dialogue, in which all the elements of the kingdom’s political society were recognized.
This scientific work activity, aimed at master’s and doctoral students, is organized into four work sessions over two days. Each session includes three lectures and a debate.
Organization: María Asenjo González (UCM), Yolanda Guerrero Navarrete (UAM), Fernando Vela Cossio (UPM), Adelaide Millan Costa (UAb; IEM)
Co-organization: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid