Webinar “A sociedade política das cidades da Península ibérica na Baixa Idade Média: ofícios, mobilidade social e relações de poder”
Online session

NOVA FCSH’s IEM and UÉ’s CIDEHUS are organizing, with the support of UAb, the Webinar and Asynchronous Seminar – The political society of cities in the Lower Middle Ages: trades, mobility and power relations (“A sociedade política das cidades da Península ibérica na Baixa Idade Média: ofícios, mobilidade social e relações de poder”).
Initially planned as a face-to-face activity, this initiative aims to reflect on the exercise of power in the cities and towns of the various Iberian kingdoms, based on a common questionnaire previously launched by Portuguese and Spanish medievalists.
The implementation of this online event did not involve simply replacing the face-to-face environment with a virtual one. In fact, structural changes have been made to the work program in order to exploit the benefits that remote scientific dialogue can bring to reflection and the construction of knowledge. On the 23rd, a webinar will be held in which the guest speakers will summarize the main ideas of their studies in short speeches. Also on the 23rd and throughout the 24th, an asynchronous seminar will take place – based on documentation provided by the speakers – in which all those who have registered can intervene, in a debate organized along several lines of discussion and moderated by experts.
The webinar is part of the scientific activities developed as part of the PhD in Medieval Studies (NOVA DCSH; UAb).