Seminar in Medieval Studies – “Situação actual dos estudos paleográficos em Espanha” – Manuel Salamanca López
9th Session
04.10.2018 | 17:00
Building ID, room 0.06, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

The founding of the International Committee of Palaeography allowed Spanish palaeographers to open up to newly emerging trends. Along these lines, the Sociedad Española de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas was established in 2005 and since organised an annual conference and published its results in the Association’s Bulletin. It also maintains a catalogue of the Historiographical Sciences and Techniques taught in Spanish universities as well as a bibliographical directory of the Society’s members. This seminar aims to describe and present these initiatives and set out an overview of the current state-of-the-art in Spanish palaeographic studies.
Biographical note:
Manuel Joaquín Salamanca López. Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Written Heritage (UCM). Coordinator-Manager of the Virtual Campus (UCM). Member and collaborator of several national and international research projects, author and co-author of numerous monographs and articles on palaeographic-diplomatic and historical themes in addition to having given, coordinated and directed various conferences, courses, among others. He has been invited to speak at the following universities and international organisations: University of Lisbon; Autónoma University of Lisbon; NOVA University; University of Oporto; University of Coimbra; Portucalense Infante D. Henrique University; Fernando Pessoa University; Beira Interior University; Minho University; Università di Roma “La Sapienza”; Università di Venezia; Università di Bergamo; Università di Verona; Università di Parma; Università di Salerno; Università di Cagliari; Università di Sassari; Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli; Archivio di Stato di Napoli; Archivio di Stato di Cagliari; Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea (ISEM). Consiglio Nazionale delle Rircerche, Italy (CNR). Universidad Nacional de San Marcos; Instituto Raúl Porras Barrenechea; Archivo General de la Nación de Perú; Archivo de la Municipalidad de Lima, etcetera.