Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Fray Lope de Olmedo y la “Reforma” Monástica en la Orden de San Jerónimo (1373 – 1567)” – Maria del Pilar Abellan Millán
05.12.2022 | 16:00
Zoom session

The Order of Saint Jerome has mainly been studied from an institutionalist and “triumphalist” point of view. The research underlying this speech aims to generate new perspectives, especially in terms of spirituality, while also attempting to understand Fray Lope’s proposed reforms, his new Congregation in the Observant movement, and then compare this with other Orders experiencing Observant splits, especially the Franciscan case.
Biographical note on the speaker:
María del Pilar Abellan Millán was born in Barcelona in 1977. She graduated in History from the University of Barcelona and is a doctoral candidate in the Medieval Cultures Program in the Faculty of History at the same university. After working for five years in Tanzania, in 2014, she joined the Hieronymite Monastery of Sant Maties in Barcelona. Since 2016, she has been attending a small shrine to the Virgin in the Urgell diocese of Lleida. She is currently in the second year of her doctoral degree with her thesis project supervised by professors Blanca Garí and Marimar Graña.
This session takes place on 5 December at 4pm via the Zoom platform.