Seminar in Medieval Studies: “El juego de los dados en tiempos de Alfonso X” – Elvira Fidalgo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
26.05.2022 | 16:00
Zoom session

The game of dice must have been a frequent pastime in medieval society, as evidenced by the frequent allusions to this game in numerous literary works. I will be interested today in the references to this game in Alphonsine works of very different themes, from the poetry of scorn, to the Cantigas de Santa María, passing through El libro de Axedrez dados e tablas and checking how the king’s opinion about this entertainment seems to worsen, as he becomes aware of the social and moral disorders that betting on dice in his kingdom entails; but also of the advantages for the royal treasury, so that his view of the dice game becomes ambiguous. On the one hand, he promotes the tafurerías, but on the other he offers examples of serious consequences for the players, which are aggravated when it comes to female gamblers.