Seminar in Medieval Studies – “Cirurgiões medievais portugueses – mitos, preconceitos e realidades” – Cristina Moisão (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)
16.12.2021 | 16:00
Zoom session

This event details a study of Portuguese medieval surgeons in the chronological period ranging from the beginning of nationality to the close of the 15th century. Several parameters were studied for 405 individuals, including the geographic distribution around Portugal, socio-religious groups, inclusion in the surrounding society, legislation in force and relations with the royal power, family and learning relations, education held and their professional practices. This then draws some conclusions from the study about the evolution of surgery in Portugal over the period under study, comparing old preconceived concepts with the reality provided by documentary collection within the framework of contributing to better knowledge about the History of Portuguese Medicine.
About the author: Cristina Moisão holds a degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, NOVA University , a specialist in General Surgery, a post-graduate degree in Senology and a Master’s Degree in History from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at the same University, while practising as a general surgeon. Now dedicated to the study of the History of Portuguese Medicine, she is currently a PhD student in History at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. She has given public presentations and published scientific articles, both in the field of Medicine and the History of Medicine. She is a member of the Portuguese Society of Surgery, the Portuguese Senology Society, the International Society for the History of Medicine, the Portuguese Society of Medical Writers and Artists and the CHAM Centre of Humanities Research.