Seminar cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o Arquivo(s)”
04.10.2023 | 14:30 - 15:30
Zoom session

The seminar cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o Arquivo(s)” aims to place archives – understood as social constructs – at the center of the debate, to analyze and characterize their origins, functions, structures, materialities, and long-term (re)uses, as well as to assess the current impact of the digital transition on the construction of Community Memory.
In this space for interdisciplinary debate, which takes place between October 2023 and April 2024, we intend to promote the meeting between Historical Archivistics, History, Information Science(s), and Archival Studies, in order to contribute to the enrichment of theoretical and methodological reflection around the concept of “Archive” and its relationships with different areas of Knowledge, seeking to fill a need that is felt in the national scientific panorama.
At the rate of one session per month, internationally renowned researchers will discuss several subthemes, previously selected by the cycle coordinators. The analysis and comments of each session will be carried out by senior researchers from the Portuguese panorama, also with international projection, in order to contribute to shortening the boundaries that may exist in the global scientific panorama.
The sessions will take place in the Conference Room of the National Archives of Torre do Tombo, and the entrance is free but subject to space capacity.
The texts resulting from the six sessions will be published in 2024 in an e-book, subject to peer review, under the title of the seminar.
At the end of the cycle of debates, in May 2024, the VINCULUM Project’s Archival Colloquium will also take place, the organization of which is already underway.