“O relógio da sabedoria: as chaves do pensamento medieval”
Jornada de Filosofia e História
21.02.2018 | 8:00 - 17:00
Building ID, Multipurpose Room 3, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

The Wisdom Clock: Keys of Medieval Thought
Philosophy and History conference
Medieval philosophy oscillates between the sacred – and mystical – character of theology and fields such as psychology, for the study of perception and imagination and, like history, to understand the action of human groups and their transmissions of knowledge.
Medieval thought combines the weight of history and philosophy as, on the one hand, it carries with it all the classical heritage and, on the other hand, it approaches many of the issues later dealt with by modern thought.
The contributions presented at this event seek to bring together studies that display all this awareness and provide the general public and researchers with a general overview combining two fields.
The conference concludes with the presentation of two books, the first of which is a volume coordinated by the event’s organisers, Francisco Díaz Marcilla and José Higuera Rubio, which applies this approach between Philosophy and History, with a presentation by Alice Tavares; and a second book, in e-book format, presented by José Higuera Rubio. Both publications are based on the figure and work of the medieval philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316).
Organisation: IEM-NOVA FCSH; IF-FLUP
Organisers: Francisco Díaz Marcilla (IEM-NOVA FCSH), José Higuera Rubio (IF-FLUP)