II International Colloquium “Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus – Gnosis, Symbol and Metaphor”
27.09.2023 - 29.09.2023
Valle de Ricote; Universidade de Múrcia, Campus de la Merced

The II International Colloquium “Misticismo Islâmico em al-Andalus – Gnose, Símbolo e Metáfora” (“Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus – Gnosis, Symbol and Metaphor”) will take place between the 27th and 29th of September. This colloquium will occur in Valle de Ricote (27th) and at the University of Murcia, Campus de la Merced (28th and 29th).
The II International Colloquium, “Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus, has as its theme – Gnosis, Symbol and Metaphor,” privileging gnostic experiences and symbolic and metaphorical discourses with which the masters of the medieval period (VIII – XIV centuries) from al-Andalus or not, indicated and suggested steps, readings, and understandings to their disciples. The objective was the same through calligraphy, small aphorisms, or great treatises, the alchemy of souls, and contact with Divinity.
You can access the 27th’s communications here at Valle de Ricote.