Cross-Disciplinary Workshop “Legitimação de poderes e identidades na Península (sécs. IX-XII). Métodos e formas de desenvolvimento”
25.03.2019 | 9:45 - 13:00
Building ID, Room 0.07, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

During the central years of the Middle Ages, there were important political changes that led slam to lose its peninsular hegemony in favour of Christianity. The founding of new governments and the emergence of different identities motivated elites to explore various ways of legitimising their social position within their domains and against closer powers.
On 25 March 2019, the Institute of Medieval Studies is hosting “Legitimação de poderes e identidades na Península (sécs. IX-XII). Métodos e formas de desenvolvimento” (Legitimation of powers and identities in the Peninsula (9th-12th centuries). Methods and forms of development), an interdisciplinary seminar in which the multiple forms of legitimation deployed by political and religious powers throughout these four centuries will be considered.
This small discussion group, with restricted attendance, will be attended by researchers and university professors from Portugal and Spain. Through multiple and varied interdisciplinary approaches, the common goal remains generating an intense and fruitful debate that enables us to problematize and deepen our historical knowledge about the Peninsular elites and their ways of acting.
Organisation: Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University
Coordination: Víctor Rabasco García