Conference «Un exemple de l’expansion catalane au Maghreb: l’attaque de Ceuta par les Roussillonnais et Majorquins en 1234»
02.11.2017 | 17:00
Edifício B1, Sala 0.05, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

Professor Pierre-Vincent Claverie will be in Lisbon to present a conference entitled “Un exemple de l’expansion catalane au Maghreb: l’attaque de Ceuta par les Roussillonnais et Majorquins en 1234”.
Designated as Calcurini by the annals of the Genoese Bartolomeo Scriba, the identification of these attackers has been the subject of debate for five centuries. Using linguistic and historical criteria, the author proposes a Catalan origin for this group, which would maintain fruitful solidarity with the Republic of Genoa. This would explain the knightly behavior they adopted when they encountered a Ligurian squadron in front of Ceuta in August 1234.
This is a joint organization between IEM – Instituto de Estudos Medievais and CHAM – Centro de Humanidades, and will take place on November 2nd at 17:00, at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Edifício B1, Sala 0.05).
Entrance is free and limited to the capacity of the room.