Conference “Representações da infância: dinâmicas e transversalidades”
Tower B, Aud. 1, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

CRIA – the Network Centre for Anthropology Research and the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) are organizing the conference “Representações da infância: dinâmicas e transversalidades” (Representations of Childhood: Dynamics and Transversalities), to be held on 8 June at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH).
The concept of child closely relates to practices and theoretical constructions intrinsic to different socio-cultural contexts. In this sense, childhood is understood as a dynamic and fluid process that moves between biological and socio-cultural aspects, with substantial variations over time and space.
The aim of this conference is to approach childhood from a chronological and cultural perspective, in a multidisciplinary fashion, anchored in different fields, such as history, archaeology, ethnography and bio-anthropology, in order to explore the concepts of childhood and child.
This meeting takes place in Building ID, Multipurpose Room 3, on the 29th June from 10am to 5.30pm.
If you wish to participate, registration remains open until 27th June. To register, follow the steps detailed here.
For further information:
Organisation: IEM – Institute of Medieval Studies; CRIA – the Network Centre for Anthropology Research
Organisers: Sílvia Casimiro (IEM; CRIA-NOVA FCSH), Francisca Alves Cardoso (CRIA-NOVA FCSH)