Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and IEM are organizing a colloquium centered around the influential work of Professor Luís Krus and in connection with the reissue of his doctoral thesis “The Noble Conception of the Iberian Space (1280- 1380)” (F. Gulbenkian/JNICT, 1994). This event, which will take place on November 22nd in Auditorium 3 at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, aims to celebrate and further explore the profound impact of Professor Luís Krus’s work.

Luís Filipe Llach Krus (September 7th, 1954 – June 5th, 2005), historian and researcher, was one of the main Portuguese medievalists well-known in academia. Luís Krus received his doctorate in Medieval History in 1990 at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He presented the Aggregation exams in History of Culture and Medieval Mentalities at the same University in 1998.

He was a Professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where he was vice-president of the Scientific Council until March 2005.

He supervised numerous master’s and doctoral theses and left a vast, diverse body of work with a personal impact on the choice of themes, approaches, and problematizations. He was particularly interested in cultural history in an interdisciplinary framework, associating the profession of historian with the perspectives of anthropology and sociology. Founder of the Institute of Medieval Studies, he served as Director between 2002 and 2005.

More Information soon.