Medieval Studies Seminar: “A cozinha medieval da gente comum nos seus utensílios habituais” – Iria Gonçalves
1st Session
25.01.2018 | 17:00
Building ID, Mult. 2 (4º Piso), NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

On January 25, at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University (NOVA FCSH), a new cycle of periodic seminars of the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) will begin, entitled “Seminar in Medieval Studies” (SEM), successor of the seminars “Conversas sobre a Cidade” and “Metodologias em Estudos Medievais” (“Conversations on the City” and “Methodologies in Medieval Studies”), organized by the Research Group “Territórios e Poderes” (“Territories and Powers”).
Iria Gonçalves (IEM-NOVA FCSH) will open the first SEM session. Continuing the study of a subject that is very dear to her – medieval food and cooking – Iria Gonçalves will focus this time on the most popular layers of medieval society.
This intervention intends to analyze the utensils used in the kitchen at the time and, from there, to understand their use in the preparation of the meals cooked and eaten by the common people.
Biographical note
With a degree in Historical-Philosophical Sciences from the University of Lisbon, Iria Gonçalves received her PhD in Medieval History from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Nova University of Lisbon, where she taught until her retirement in 2003. She specialises in themes related to the organisation of space, food, anthroponymy and taxation. Among her most significant publications are: As finanças Municipais no Porto na segunda metade do século XV, Porto, 1987; Imagens do mundo medieval, Lisboa, 1993; O Património do mosteiro de Alcobaça nos séculos XIV e XV, Lisboa, 1989; Um olhar sobre a cidade medieval, Cascais, 1996; and the most recent, À mesa nas terras de Alcobaça em finais da Idade Média, Lisboa-Alcobaça, 2017.