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3rd Session | 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”

Via Zoom

03.05.2024 | 16:30 - 18:30

Free entry but subject to prior registration

The 3rd Session will take place on May 3, 2024, at 4:30 pm, via the Zoom platform (link to be sent after registration). This session will be coordinated by Fabio Barberini (Universitat de Girona), and dedicated to the theme “Law and Troubadour Poetry”. There will also be the communication “The succession to the throne of Castilla (1275-1308): trovadoresca poetry and legal norms”, also presented by Fabio Barberini.

The 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law” is organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM- NOVA/FCSH), together with the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team and in partnership with the Portuguese Heraldic Institute (IPH), the Verona Chapter Library and the Vercelli Chapter Library.

This initiative, organized by a scientific and organizational committee, comprises members of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team (coordinated by researcher Maria Alessandra Bilotta, PI of the team).

The aim is to establish a fruitful dialogue between different scientific disciplines, namely Art History, History, and History of Law, necessary to study illuminated legal manuscripts and documents.

It is also intended to facilitate synergies between different areas of knowledge and disseminate the results of its research to a broader audience. Maintaining scientific rigor to promote the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in studying medieval manuscripts and legal documents, we also want to draw attention to the importance of conserving this heritage.

Session recording (Youtube)