The interdisciplinary “Manuscritos em Diálogo” (Manuscripts in Dialogue) research seminars are jointly organised by CESEM and IEM. These seminars were designed as didactic events with the goal of disseminating relevant information for the study and description of different types of medieval manuscripts, with a particular focus on Iberian sources. These seminars aim to create bridges and foster dialogue between scholars from different fields.
The first series of seminars “Manuscritos em Diálogo” took place in the second semester of 2018 at FCSH-NOVA. The studies presented address issues related to the copying of Pantheon manuscripts, the liturgies of the West and East, conservation and restoration of medieval manuscripts, and musical iconography.
This new seminar series is taking place monthly between September 2018 and January 2019. The papers are presented in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English.
All sessions are free and open to the general public.
Organisation: CESEM – Centre for the Study of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics; IEM – Institute of Medieval Studies
Organisers: Alicia Miguelez Cavero (IEM-NOVA FCSH), Elsa De Luca (CESEM-NOVA FCSH)