For centuries, religious heritage has played an essential role in shaping social, economic, environmental and cultural values. Caves, eremitical settlements, chapels, monasteries, convents, churches and cathedrals have dialogued with their surroundings, be them mountainous or solitary places, fertile valleys, peripheral or urban centers. Nowadays, the memory of these places tends to be erased. The secularisation of many convents, churches or monasteries, as well as the abandonment or low usage of others, led to the loss of material values. These specific buildings and landscapes need to be rethought at light of the contemporary challenges.

The 4th International Conference “Architectures of the Soul. Religious Heritage: understanding the past, shaping the future” aims at promoting the scientific study and discussion around the architecture and landscape connected to religious and spiritual practices, grounded on the experience of seclusion and solitude.

The conference will be hosted, between 19th and 21st of October 2023, by the Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória (municipality of Batalha, Portugal), recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983, exactly 40 years ago.

This is structured around two main topics, in order to understand the historical and current values of these places and how they can shape the future:

1. History of religious experience;

2. Future for religious heritage.

For registration access here.





Scientific Coordination
Rolando Volzone (DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte – ISCTE-IUL; CHAIA – UÉ)
João Luís Inglês Fontes (IEM – NOVA FCSH; UCP – CEHR)
Joaquim Ruivo (Mosteiro da Batalha – DGPC)


Centro Studi Cherubino GhirardacciCEPAEESACHMunicípio da BatalhaFRHGrémio do PatrimónioFLAD


Media Partners
Pedra&Cal, Thema, European Heritage TribuneEspaço de Arquitetura