The program aims to bring specialists and the general public closer to the philosophical currents and concepts that shaped mentalities during the medieval period, both in Portugal and in Europe. The focus is historical and thus the course adopts a chronological structure with each session analysing a philosophical current and its most outstanding authors. Therefore, students gain a better understanding of the contributions made by Political Philosophy to History, both through the ideas used in political propaganda and through the texts copied, transmitted and spread throughout Europe. The Iberian Peninsula receives a particular focus within this scope.

Organisation: Departments of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts of the University of Coimbra (DHEEAA – UC), participation by the Centre of the History of Society and Culture, the University of Coimbra (CHSC – UC) and the Institute of Medieval Studies, NOVA FCSH (IEM – NOVA FCSH)

Faculty: Mário Farelo (IEM – NOVA FCSH), Maria do Rosário Morujão (Faculty of Letters – University of Coimbra), Jorge Díaz Ibánez (Complutense University of Madrid)

Duration: 6 sessions of 3 hours