Open course: “Preservação e conservação de manuscritos – novos desafios”
19.03.2018 - 07.05.2018

Preserving our written and graphic cultural heritage represents a complex mission and, by definition, cannot be postponed. The “Preservação e Conservação de Manuscritos – novos desafios” (Preservation and Conservation of Manuscripts – New Challenges) course is thus a timely response to this task and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, accepts students from various backgrounds, whether from the social and human sciences, the artistic or even technological areas.
Aligning our intentions with the mission and statutes of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University (NOVA FCSH), it is our duty to argue that the written and graphic cultural heritage is a factor of identification and legitimisation of society and its humanistic culture. Therefore, awareness of the state of conservation of these material assets and our role in the chain of their future transmission are both essential factors. Continuous education on the appropriate measures for protecting documentary heritage as a societal task requires attention encouragement as well as integration into the academic fields of the social sciences, arts and humanities – as the leading fields attesting to, through field research, its value and irreplaceable character.
In the context of lifelong training and even in the 2nd cycle at NOVA FCSH, this free course presents the most direct way of highlighting the relevance of memory and its analogical supports and of promoting the dissemination of new Conservation theories as a field at the interface between the humanities and technologies. Exploring the concepts of written and graphic heritage preservation and setting them in dialogue with what we know about the communities that produced and maintained them also drives the development of this training field with other areas of knowledge.
The proposed program, in addition to considering the cultural practices of access, intends to underline the importance of observing and interpreting the objects in their respective contexts of use and access to the written heritage, the archives, family archives, public or private collections, etcetera. Despite a model approximating practice, this furthermore emphases the theoretical and reflexive approach to the idea of praxis in preservation and conservation and the impact of simultaneity with mass digital preservation and virtual access repositories.
For Further information, see the Program.
Organisation: IEM-NOVA FCSH
Professors: Inês Correia
Information/Registration [Registration is open from 3 January to 2 March 2018]
Registration for the program may take place online by filling in the registration form (information regarding registration fee payment will be sent after its completion) or in person at the Centro de Formação ao Longo da Vida.
Centro de Formação ao Longo da Vida [NOVA FCSH, Tower B, Floor 1]
Av. Berna, 26-C, 1069-061 Lisbon
(+351) 217 90 83 00 |
Public in general: 95 euros
INATEL/ACP Members: 76 euros
NOVA Students: 65 euros
Students attending other universities: 75 euros