Open Course “Ínclita Geração: Política, Cultura e Mito”
29.02.2020 - 26.09.2020
Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória, Batalha
Zoom Sessions

The Open Course “Ínclita Geração: Política, Cultura e Mito” (Illustrious Generation: Politics, Culture and Myth – Restarting in a virtual format) will be resumed only for those who have participated in the previous sessions and we are unable to accept new registrations.
The link to access each session as well as the support material will be sent out in due time.
If there is a historical generation that has managed to anchor itself in the Portuguese collective imagination, it is undoubtedly that of the children of King João I and his wife Filipa de Lancastre: children who, ever since Luís de Camões, have been called the “Illegitimate Generation”. It is on this set of personalities that this course focuses within the objective of providing participants with updated and well-founded perspectives on each of the members of this famous family and understand what led each of them to stand out in their time while also paving the way for the perpetuation of their memory in posterity.
Complementing these biographical analyses, the course also aims to establish a framework for understanding how all these actors were inserted in a common cultural, political and artistic context. Intimately linked to the new dynasty that was then trying to assert itself, they are therefore also linked to significant historical mutations that prepared the grounds for modern times. No less important will be the final analysis of the construction of the memory of this lineage, which was sustained through the production of chronicles, the construction of the monastery of Batalha and which played and still plays a central role in the collective imagination of Portuguese society.
Date: 29 February, 7 March, 12, 19 and 26 September, 2020
Location: Batalha Monastery / Platform Zoom Colibri
Organisation: Batalha Monastery / Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage; Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH)
Partnership: Training Centre of the Cooperation and Learning Network (CFRCA)
Support: Municipality of Batalha; Estremadura Heritage Centre (CEPAE)
Coordination: Amélia Aguiar Andrade, João Luís Fontes, Joherem Ruivo, Miguel Metelo de Seixas