Course for Guides and Interpreters “Compreender os espaços monástico-conventuais medievais”
24.01.2019 - 26.01.2019
Monastery of Batalha

The Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, the Monastery of Batalha and the Estremadura Heritage Centre (CEPAE) are running this course for interpreting guides, entitled “Compreender os espaços monástico-conventuais medievais” (Understanding medieval monastic-conventual spaces).
Its main aim is to provide participants with knowledge that will enable them to interpret and contextualise convents and monasteries, taking into account the diversity of forms of religious life, their spaces and daily life, their relationships with the territory and the powers that be and under whose protection they flourished during the Middle Ages.
This will correspondingly cover aspects related to architecture and art, liturgy and books, religious iconography, heraldry and tumulary. Furthermore, by providing up-to-date summaries on all these themes, this training course makes it uniquely possible to bring together and articulate information which is otherwise generally dispersed and broadly inaccessible to non-specialist audiences.
The sessions and a visit, to be held at the Monastery in Batalha, are spread out over three days and count on the contributions made by several researchers in sharing their knowledge and experience with participants.
This course is sponsored by Regional Agency for Tourism Promotion (ARPT), Centro region Portugal
Organisation: Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH); Monastery of Batalha; Estremadura Heritage Centre (CEPAE)
24 January, Thursday
9h30-11h00 | Formas de vida religiosa | João Luís Fontes (IEM-NOVA FCSH; CEHR-UCP)
11h30-13h00 | A organização espacial: modelos e variações | Francisco Teixeira (UALg)
14h30-16h00 | O mosteiro e o seu entorno | Luís Carlos Amaral (FLUP; CITCEM; CEHR-UCP)
16h30-18h00 | Os mosteiros e as cidades | Filomena Andrade (UAb; CEHR-UCP; IEM-NOVA FCSH)
25 January, Friday
9h30-11h00 | Poder régio e propaganda | Maria João Branco (IEM-NOVA FCSH)
11h30-13h00 | Patronos e benfeitores | Mário Farelo | (IEM-NOVA FCSH; CEHR-UCP)
14h30-16h00 | A heráldica como instrumento de marcação e de apropriação simbólica do espaço sagrado | Miguel Metelo de Seixas (IEM-NOVA FCSH; IPH)
16h30-18h00 | Espaços funerários monásticos dos séculos XIII e XIV: opção de sepultura e temas para a memória póstuma | Carla Varela Fernandes (IEM-NOVA FCSH)
26 January, Saturday
9h30-11h00 | O scriptorium e a biblioteca | Catarina Barreira (IEM-NOVA FCSH; CEHR-UCP) and Paula Cardoso (IEM-NOVA FCSH)
11h30-13h00 | Os espaços e os ritmos da liturgia | Catarina Barreira (IEM-NOVA FCSH; CEHR-UCP)
14h30-16h00 | Espaço vivido e memória no convento da Batalha durante o século XV (comunicação seguida de visita) | Pedro Redol (DGPC; IEM-NOVA FCSH)
Minimum number of participants: 20. Maximum number of participants: 30. Preference will be given to guides and interpreters, without prejudice to other professional profiles, whenever available.
The Portugal Office of the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency provides accommodation in shared double rooms for the nights of 24/25 and 25/26 January to all those who, at the time of registration:
- Prove their status as national interpreters-guides;
- Indicate the name of a colleague with whom they are willing to share accommodation.
Please send your application to:
By bank transfer to NIB 0045 50 80 400 602 479 4039, for the amount of 30 euros, only after confirmation of availability of a place.
Please send a copy of the transfer receipt to
To obtain a receipt, you must add the following information: full name, address and tax identification number.