
Calendar of Events

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2 events,

International Congress “Forais Medievais Peninsulares (séculos XII a XV): uma abordagem histórica e linguística”

Making and Moving Consumables 500–1000. From the Local to the Wider World: Sources, Methods and Approaches

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IEM Conference: Le società urbane dell’Italia settentrionale nell’alto medioevo. Una comparazione tra Lucca e Verona | Marco Stoffella

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3rd Session | Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”

2 events,

2nd Edition Film Festival: “Luz e Sombra. Representações da Idade Média no cinema”


Workshop on science communication and writing for non-specialized audiences

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2 events,


Seminar in Medieval Studies: “The Holy Emperor Maximilian I and the House of Avis: notes on Portuguese-German political-diplomatic and dynastic relations at the turn of the 15th century to the 16th century” | Jürgen Pohle