CALL FOR PAPERS | 9th International Conference on the Middle Ages
Deadline for proposals for panels and papers: until 30th April
The opening of the Call for papers for the IX International Conference on the Middle Ages is announced.
The study of medieval urban societies continues to be important and necessary to understand their composition, inequalities and complexity, as well as their role in the construction and experience of urban space. Thus, the Institute of Medieval Studies (FCSH; Nova University, Lisbon) and the City Council of Castelo de Vide will host the IX International Conference on the Middle Ages (3rd-5th October 2024), entitled: Urban societies in medieval Europe.
With a focus on Christian, Islamic and Jewish Europe, researchers from any scientific discipline (History, Archaeology, History of the Art, Literature, among others) are invited to present proposals for sessions and/or individual presentations. The thematic panels can be seen here.
The working languages of the Conference are: Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English.