The Academy of Sciences highlighted the “Create Entails with History” competition, which took place within the scope of the VINCULUM Project, which had national and international participation.

In the 2023 edition of the competition, several schools from Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe participated, with eleventh-grade students who will explore the historical links of their municipalities, to foster social interest in Local History and promote the defense of their documentary heritage

With the guidance of their History teachers, the student’s research will also be monitored by researchers from the VINCULUM project, who have provided them with important data and resources essential to their work.

The results of the student’s research will be published on the project’s website, included under the usual heading “Bond of the Month” and aggregated in a digital book, which will be available in open access. The teachers involved will also undergo short-term training where they will present the work carried out by their students.

Understanding the past, enriching learning, and strengthening ties between academia, the local community, and the historical heritage of each of the locations involved, are the main objectives of this initiative.

Access more information here.