On 12th May 2022, at 4 p.m., the 1st IEM Conference 2022 takes place, given by Professor Alberto Ferreiro (University of Seattle), under the title “Mi viaje personal al estudio de la Hispania Lusitania Tardo-Antigua y Medieval”.

This occasion also commemorates the integration into the IEM Library of the “Personal Library” of Professor Alberto Ferreiro, who generously wished to donate it to our Institute.

Henceforth, the Vitorino Magalhães Godinho Library makes available to all of its visitors (while still undergoing cataloguing) this highly significant collection of books, journals and reprints of a diverse nature with its organising principle the research field of Professor Alberto Ferreiro: culture in the Peninsular High Middle Ages. This collection is composed both of classical works and more recent bibliography and provides researchers with core texts and published sources for the study of the period from Late Antiquity and especially between the 8th and 10th centuries.