Miguel Geraldes Rodrigues

Foto de Miguel Geraldes Rodrigues

Graduated in History from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, in 2010, where he also completed his master’s degree, in the strand of Modern History and Discoveries under the guidance of Professors Pedro Cardim and Diogo Ramada Curto (2013). He completed his PhD in History at the European University Institute in Florence (2019), with the thesis entitled “Between West Africa and America: The Angolan slave trade in the Portuguese and Spanish Atlantic Empires (1560-1641)”, focusing his research on the Portuguese and Spanish Atlantic empires during the modern age, with special emphasis on the transatlantic slave trade and the emergence of the first Iberian colonial societies.  

He was a visiting researcher at Brown University, Department of Portuguese and Brazilian studies (2012) and at the Institute for History, Leiden University (2016). He worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the project “Revisiting Dutch Brazil and Johan Maurits” funded by the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund at the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis in The Hague (2020-22), where he deepened the study of the relations between Portuguese and Dutch merchants in the slave trade during the period of Dutch rule in Brazil (1630-1654).  

Member of the research projects RESISTANCE (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017) (2017), Documenta Filipina – The Philippines in Portuguese Archives (2019), and currently VINCULUM (2023). 
