
IX International Meeting on Military Orders

The IX Encontro Internacional sobre Ordens Militares (IX International Meeting on Military Orders) will take place between the 25th and 29th of October in Palmela, with sessions at the Cine-Teatro S. João and the Municipal Library of Palmela. Organized by the Office of Studies on the Order of Santiago (GEsOS) – Municipality of Palmela, and the Institute of Medieval Studies, the […]

International Conference “Foreigners in Lisbon in the 15th and 16th Centuries”

Colégio Almada Negreiros, NOVA FCSH, Sala 209

The International Conference "Foreigners in Lisbon in the 15th and 16th Centuries" takes place between the 26th and 27th of October, at Colégio Almada Negreiros, room 209 (2nd floor). The presence of foreign communities is a distinctive mark of 15th and 16thcentury Lisbon. They are heterogeneous colonies with a marked identity (they define themselves primarily […]

4th RIMS Meeting: Domestic interiors and household consumption in Europe, 1050-1550

The 4th RiMS Meeting, co-organized by the Institute fot Medieval Studies (IEM), will be dedicated to the theme Domestic interiors and household consumption in Europe, 1050-1550, and will take place on the 9th and 10th of November, at the University of Minho (Braga), Campus de Gualtar, at the Institute of Social Sciences (Building 15), Sala de Atos. The fourth RiMS meeting takes place […]

2nd Session | Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”

The second session of the "Rethinking the Archive(s)" Seminar Cycle will take place on November 9 at 2h30 p.m. in the conference room of the Torre do Tombo National Archive. The session will be dedicated to the theme "New epistemological frameworks and horizons" and will feature a lecture by Eric Ketelaar, Professor Emeritus at the […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: Centralidades en contacto: las conexiones Valencia-Portugal dentro de las redes mercantiles euromediterráneas (finales del siglo XIV – principios del siglo XV) | Carlos Crespo Amat

The "Seminar in Medieval Studies" will take place on the 15th of November, at 4pm: "Centralidades en contacto: las conexiones Valencia-Portugal dentro de las redes mercantiles euromediterráneas (finales del siglo XIV - principios del siglo XV)", by Doctor Carlos Crespo Amat, online (via Zoom). Abstract: It is evident that the location of Portugal and Valencia at the […]

International Conference «Sanctuaries, relics and pilgrimages»

The Institute for Medieval Studies, in collaboration with the Center for Religious History Studies at the Portuguese Catholic University, is promoting an international colloquium around the theme "Sanctuaries, Relics and Pilgrimages", taking place between the 16th and 18th of November. The event will have sessions and activities taking place at Colégio Almada Negreiros, at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and at Palácio […]

Vouzela – Lafões Archaeology Conference

Since the first event, held in 2019, IEM has participated in the organization of the Vouzela-Lafões Archeology Days, which this year will take place between the 17th and 18th of November, at Cineteatro João Ribeiro, Vouzela, Lafões. The event is organized by the Municipality of Vouzela, with the support of the municipal company Vouzelar, the University of Algarve, and IEM, and […]

IV Congress of the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists

The IV congress of the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists will take place between the 22nd and the 25th of November, at the Faculdade de Letras of the University of Coimbra. The event, which will bring together more than 300 archaeologists, is organized into ten thematic sessions, a poster session, two visits, and the launch of the AAP Monographs. The […]

International Congress “Olisipo Entre Mares”

CAL—Lisbon Archeology Center, part of the Lisbon City Council, organizes the 1st Olisipo Entre Mares International Congress. Between November 23rd and 25th, at the Centro Cultural de Belém, 10 lectures will be held, and 13 new studies and investigations will be presented, with the participation of around 30 experts. As part of the celebrations of […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Pesos e Medidas em Portugal” | António Manuel Félix Baptista Neves

The Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Pesos e Medidas em Portugal” (Weights and Measures in Portugal), by António Manuel Félix Baptista Neves, will take place on November 23rd, at 4pm, online (via Zoom). Abstract: This communication aims to address the evolution of weights and measures used in Portugal, from the beginning of nationality to contemporary times. The History […]

“Representações, imaginário e experiências Atlânticas. Séculos V-XVI” Seminar

The Seminar "Representações, imaginário e experiências Atlânticas. Séculos V-XVI" (Representations, imaginary and Atlantic experiences. 5th-16th Centuries), organized by the researcher Kevin R. Wittmann, will take place on November 24th, at Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon, at 9:00 am, in the SD room (floor 0). The Atlantic Ocean has had an undeniable importance in the historical processes […]

Making and Moving Consumables 500–1000. From the Local to the Wider World: Sources, Methods and Approaches

The international meeting "Making and Moving Consumables 500–1000. From the Local to the Wider World: Sources, Methods and Approaches", which is organized by IEM and the University of Tubingen, brings together several European experts from the fields of History and Archaeology, and will take place between the 29th and 30th November, at Colégio Almada Negreiros. This group of researchers, […]